Olsen Breet is our in-house Financial Expert at EasyPolicyLoans, with more than a decade of writing for various finance companies in the UK. He has got this knack for turning even the trickiest money matters into something we can get our heads around. Before he started sharing his wisdom here, Olsen was playing with big numbers and advising on loans at a bank. He graduated from University of Glasgow, grabbing a finance degree before jumping into the deep end of the financial pool. Olsen's our go-to guy for making sense of market trends and is always ahead of the curve.

A learning explanation on how to come out from financial debt trap

As a person, you follow the aim of believing in yourself. Yet, the low time has targeted your aim very hard. It is because of many failures you have seen till now.

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What are the different ways to create an emergency fund?

The term emergency fund refers to the monetary amount required to cover necessary expenses when financial circumstances change.

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How living alone allows you to walk into business path?

Have some fun, brother, talk to people, enjoy parties, talk to everyone with confidence, and speak outwards in group discussions.

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A brief explanation about long-term loan vs short-term loan

There are two common loan types in the financial market: long-term loans and short-term loans. If you are looking for a better comparison of these significant loans,...

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Tips for making money by spending less with online earning

Most of the experts' excerpts that if you want to become rich, you probably need to increase the mediums of getting income by all means.

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How long-term funding ensures long-lasting financial benefits?

Are you planning to buy a long-term loan? Did you go through the professional consultation? Have you checked through popular and reputed lending helps?

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7 ways you can make your borrowing process easier

Want to get a loan that is easy and quick? You don’t want to get into a lengthy process and days of labor, right?

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The pros & cons of taking merging all debts in one-go

Do you have multiple loans? Do you get confused about how to deal with them? Do you often get difficulties managing these numerous loans?

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7 Reasons to take personal loans for the businesses

Personal loans are known to provide financial support during a time of crisis for an individual. We hardly associate to with meeting the business requirement...

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What to look for in a technology provider in the UK?

There is no doubt that a business can't run today without the necessary technological support. Be it a manufacturing business or a service provider.

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